Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why we need both Roses and Thorns..

My first time to comment on a post…

Roses…....finding (in)courage yesterday… was such a God given blessing.
There are women out there who truly care about other women.

My wonderful husband standing and sitting with me last night for a couple of hours as I revealed my unhappiness and loneliness with my work (volunteer) situation. I feel so much clearer and freer this morning…this has been building up for a while but now I see God’s hand in the whole situation.

Thorns…..working in what currently feels like a really unhealthy place emotionally and spiritually…but knowing God is at work in me and others makes it bearable.

Thorns…not having other women who can share my Roses and Thorns.

I love roses but my favourite flowers are poppies.... so a Poppy picture!

This is my comment on the above article....what a difference a night makes.

Yesterday I was, unusually for me, so low. But finding the (in)courage website has been a real catharsis...and I am again reminded of God's perfect timing and love.

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