Friday, May 31, 2013


Five Minute Friday">

My first time at joining in with Five Minute here goes...


....a life without choices, a life where I knew what would be my future,minute by minute.
Sometimes when I am faced with too many or with difficult choices I long to have a life of no choice.

I want to be guided, put on the correct path.

I yearn for someone to tell me what to do.

Isn't it strange that when I feel I am being forced or pushed into a corner over a decision that I need to make that I react so strongly.
I fight,
I kick and push and push to expand my boundaries and let me search, explore, consider more options, more choices, another footpath.

Gradually over the last few weeks I have come to accept the latest choice I have made concerning my immediate future.

It has hurt.

I am grieving over the loss of 'being useful...of making a difference in people's lives'

Thank you Lord I have not had to make this decision in isolation.
Thank you for guiding me so gently, for whispering confirmation,for comforting me....for letting me make that choice.

Imagine a world without His love and His gift of freewill.


  1. First of all, welcome to our FMF community! So glad you chose to join us. Loved this post. I actually felt your words as if they were my own. I feel the same way when I'm faced with difficult decisions, but also grateful I never have to face them alone. ~Tanya, visiting from FMF

  2. choices - argh. funny how we sway back and forth between wanting someone to tell us what to do and then that being the absolute worst thing in the world.

    i think that is because when i choose, then i know i bear responsibility as well. so much for footloose and fancy free. :-)

    great post today!
